Mission to UFMS

Luca Borger
Swansea University
United Kingdom
06/29/2019 – 07/09/2019
Building a working group in Movement Ecology to synthetize information about movement of large vertebrates in Brazil. Create a shared database, including land use layers. Organize a workshop in Movement Ecology in Brazil. Teach an one-week graduate course for students coming from all over Brazil. Do field work at Pantanal to capture animals, collared them and understand the landscape features and Pantanal conservation.
Along this time I organized and participated of the Second Movement Ecology Seminar held by UFMS (4 days), taught oneweek course, coordinated a 3-day workshop, and did a one week Pantanal field trip. During the time in between I advised Brazilian students, and helped them to perform data analyses and scientific writing.
See II Movement Ecology Brazil Seminar, see graduate course in Movement Ecology for students in the Ecology and Conservation – UFMS (30 students), see Movement Ecology Workshop – data analyses with 15 students from all over Brazil.
Every goal was reached. We successfully coordinated and organized one seminar, one workshop and a complete graduate course, beyond a week of intense field work. Brazilians students and researcher had the opportunity to learn, develop and discuss the more challenging and advanced methods and theory on Movement Ecology. Now, I believe we have closed relationships to further progress and development of this field take in account local and international researchers.

II Movement Ecology Brazil Meeting